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"An Emotion is actually a thing

- an energy - 

that can be left behind".

Dr. Bradley Nelson


EMOTIONCODE - meine Erfahrung


Ich bin seit November 2015 mit dem Emotion Code zertifiziert beim Dr. Bradley Nelson.
In 2020 bin ich zu der Erkenntnis gekommen, dass hinter dieser alternativen Therapie nicht viel steckt.

Ich habe während 6 Jahren einige Kunden gehabt und obwohl ich hier und da einen vermeintlichen Erfolg sehen konnte, kann ich nicht seriös sagen, dass es wegen dieser Technik ist.

Daher verabschiede ich mich von dem Emotioncode. Es gibt wissenschaftlich viel effektivere Methoden um Traumas und Emotionen zu bearbeiten.

Ich habe viel mehr Erfolg mit dem mental Coaching in Kombination mit der Raumgestaltung




Just about everyone has some amount of emotional baggage from painful life events, right? It's not all in your head! Emotional baggage is very real, and although it's invisible it can really mess up your happiness, your success and your health. It's like lugging around a suitcase from every difficult event you've gone through- eventually the load gets too heavy not to notice. We call each "suitcase" a Trapped Emotion- a bit of emotional energy that was created, by you, during an emotional event, and got stuck in your body somewhere. 

Trapped Emotions are literally like balls of energy, vibrating at different frequencies depending on what the emotion is (for example, Anger is a different vibration than Sadness or Insecurity). Trapped Emotions are negative, destructive vibrations, and tend to affect the body wherever they are stuck, creating pain and malfunction of bodily tissues, even disease. They can also cause depression, anxiety and loads of emotional problems. Trapped Emotions sure can make life miserable, but you can get rid of them through the Emotion Code and lighten your load for good!


Dr. Bradley Nelson, an American chiropractor and craniopath, developed this technique over many years. I don’t go to the extreme to say that it is a cure for most of our illnesses but I truly believe in the power of faith healing and I believe that there is more out there that meets the eye.

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